The Paris Con­ser­va­toire’s annu­al con­cours (con­test) has added a great num­ber of solo works to the bas­soon’s reper­toire. From 1797 until 2011, these con­cours award­ed prizes to the top-ranked stu­dents in each dis­ci­pline. Attain­ing a pre­miere prix (first prize) prac­ti­cal­ly guar­an­teed the musi­cian a good job, and at var­i­ous times also earned the play­er a new instru­ment, musi­cal scores, and/or money.

For the first cen­tu­ry of the Con­ser­va­toire’s exis­tence, the pieces for the com­pe­ti­tion were most­ly writ­ten by the bas­soon pro­fes­sors (Wil­lent-Bor­dog­ni, Cokken, Jan­court, etc.). The “gold­en age” of con­cours pieces was 1898–1984, dur­ing which the Con­ser­va­toire most­ly com­mis­sioned new works from estab­lished com­posers. After 1985, new works were only occa­sion­al­ly ordered, and Alexan­dre Ouzounof­f’s NAIROBI, la nuit of 1999 seems to have been the last new­ly-com­mis­sioned work for bas­soon. The main table below is a list of the known bas­soon morceaux de con­cours for the years 1824–2010. Infor­ma­tion for the years 1825–1834, 1837–1839, and 2011 sad­ly isn’t avail­able. There was no con­cours in 1871, due to the Fran­co-Pruss­ian War.1Leon Letellier and Édouard Flament, “Le Basson,” in Encyclopédie de la musique et dictionnaire du Conservatoire, ed. Albert Lavignac, Part 2, Vol. 3 (Paris: Librairie Delgrave, 1925): 1593.

After 2011, the Con­ser­va­toire’s exam­i­na­tion process changed, and it stopped award­ing prizes as such. Accord­ing to  Marie Boichard, who com­plet­ed her stud­ies with Gilbert Audin at the Con­ser­va­toire in 2019, the  Prix de License is now the clos­est thing to the old con­cours. This typ­i­cal­ly occurs at the end of a stu­den­t’s third year of study, con­sists of a big pub­lic recital, and includes at least one required piece.2 Marie Boichard, e-mail message to author, December 29, 2022.  Stu­dents who pass this earn the degree of DNSPM (Diplôme Nation­al Supérieur Pro­fes­sion­nel de Musi­cien), and are eli­gi­ble to go on to mas­ter’s study.3“Diplômes,” Conservatoire national supérieur de musique et de dance de Paris, Sophie Levy, the Con­ser­va­toire’s Archives Man­ag­er, has also called atten­tion to the end-of-first-year exam in the mas­ter’s pro­gram, which occurs at rough­ly the same time in a stu­den­t’s stud­ies as the con­cours did under the old sys­tem.4Sophie Levy, e-mail message to author, March 22, 2019. Boichard though points out that this is a rel­a­tive­ly minor exam, which is not open to the pub­lic. In any case, par­tial lists of the required pieces for both of these exams are pro­vid­ed in sep­a­rate tables at the bot­tom of the page.

The bulk of the infor­ma­tion for the years 1824–1984 is tak­en from Kris­tine Fletcher’s book, The Paris Con­ser­va­toire and the Con­test Solos for Bas­soon, to which I added just a few minor details.5Kristine Klopfenstein Fletcher, The Paris Conservatoire and the Contest Solos for Bassoon (Bloomington, IN: Indiana University Press, 1988). Fletcher’s book is one of the great bas­soon ref­er­ence works, but it has long been out of print and copies are hard to come by today. The sim­ple list below pro­vides only a small frac­tion of the wealth of infor­ma­tion in Fletcher’s book— seek out a copy of it in a uni­ver­si­ty library if you want more details about the Con­ser­va­toire, the con­cours, or any of the indi­vid­ual works or com­posers. If you have access to Pro­Quest Dis­ser­ta­tions and The­ses, her dis­ser­ta­tion pro­vides much—but not all—of the same infor­ma­tion. Infor­ma­tion for the years 1986–2004 comes from Jef­frey Lyman’s arti­cle “The Morceaux de Con­cours for Bas­soon Since 1984: A Parisian Tra­di­tion Con­tin­ues.“6Jeffrey Lyman, "The Morceaux de Concours for Bassoon Since 1984: A Parisian Tradition Continues," The Double Reed 28, no. 2 (2005): 101-105. If you’re an IDRS mem­ber (which I’d high­ly rec­om­mend), you should be able to access the arti­cle here. Ryan Romine was kind enough to fill in 1985 for me, from his own cor­re­spon­dence with bas­soon­ist Frédéric Bouteille.7Frédéric Bouteille, e-mail message to Ryan Romine, May 5, 2012.

For infor­ma­tion post-2004, I’m indebt­ed to both Con­ser­va­toire archivist Sophie Levy and bas­soon­ist and Con­ser­va­toire alum­na Marie Boichard. Levy pro­vid­ed a list of con­cours pieces for the years 2005–2010, a brief expla­na­tion of the dis­con­tin­u­a­tion of the award­ing of prizes after 2011, and a list of the works used for the end-of-first-year Mas­ter’s exam for 2012–2018.8Sophie Levy, e-mail message to author, March 22, 2019. Boichard clar­i­fied the new degree pro­grams and sup­plied a list of the pieces used for the Prix de License for 2014–2022.9Marie Boichard, e-mail message to author, January 4, 2023

Some notes on this list:

  • I’ve pro­vid­ed links for pieces which are down­load­able from IMSLP. I’ve uploaded a few pieces myself, and will con­tin­ue to hunt for copies of oth­ers that are in the pub­lic domain. I’ll try to keep on top of adding new links as more pieces are added — please let me know if you add one of the miss­ing pieces to IMSLP.
  • The table is sortable by any col­umn (pro­vid­ed you have Javascript enabled). Click a col­umn head­er to sort by that field.
  • Works com­mis­sioned specif­i­cal­ly for that year’s con­cours are marked with an orange dag­ger ().
  • Works are for bas­soon and piano, unless oth­er­wise specified.
  • From 1970 until 2005 a sec­ond piece, usu­al­ly a stan­dard of the reper­toire, was required each year. I’ve split each of those years into two rows (e.g. 1970a and 1970b) so that the list will remain entire­ly sortable.

Concours Pieces

1824Rethaler, [Auguste]Con­cer­to
1835Gebauer, François RenéCon­cer­to in Cunspec­i­fied excerpt
1836Gebauer, François RenéAir Suisse en Sol
1840Berbigu­ier, [Tran­quille]Con­cer­to
1841Barizel, CharlesCon­cer­to
1842Barizel, Charles/Berr, FrédéricCon­cer­to
1843Barizel, CharlesCon­cer­to
1844Barizel, CharlesCon­cer­to
1845Barizel, Charles/Berr, FrédéricCon­cer­to in G minor
1846Barizel, Charles/Berr, FrédéricCon­certi­no
1848Berbigu­ier, [Tran­quille]Con­cer­to
1849Wil­­lent-Bor­­dog­ni, Jean BaptisteFan­taisie
1850Berr, FrédéricFan­taisie
1851Wil­­lent-Bor­­dog­ni, Jean BaptisteLa Mélan­col­ie, Fantaisie
1852Cokken, Jean-FrançoisAndante et Rondo
1853Berr, FrédéricCon­certi­no
1854Cokken, Jean-FrançoisAndante et Rondo
1855Berr, Frédéric/Cokken, Jean-FrançoisCon­cer­tounspec­i­fied excerpt
1856Wil­­lent-Bor­­dog­ni, Jean BaptisteFan­taisie
1857Cokken, Jean-FrançoisSolo
1858Tulou, Jean-Louis/­­Cokken, Jean-FrançoisSolo
1859Tulou, Jean-Louis/­­Cokken, Jean-FrançoisSolo
1860Cokken, Jean-FrançoisSolo
1861Cokken, Jean-FrançoisSolo
1862Cokken, Jean-FrançoisPre­mier Solo
1863Berr, FrédéricDeux­ième Concerto
1864Cokken, Jean-FrançoisCon­certi­no
1865Weber, Carl Maria vonCon­cer­to in F, Op. 75unspec­i­fied excerpt
1866Weber, Carl Maria vonCon­cer­to in F, Op. 75mvt. I
1867Berr, FrédéricCon­cer­to in C minor
1868unknownCon­cer­tounspec­i­fied excerpt
1869Weber, Carl Maria vonCon­cer­to in F, Op. 75unspec­i­fied excerpt
1870Berr, FrédéricCon­cer­tounspec­i­fied excerpt
1873Cokken, Jean-FrançoisCon­cer­to in D minorunspec­i­fied excerpt
1874Cokken, Jean-FrançoisDeux­ième Concerto
1875Weber, Carl Maria vonCon­cer­to in F, Op. 75mvts. II & III
1876Jan­court, EugèneTroisième Solo, Op. 53
1877Mozart, Wolf­gang AmadeusCon­cer­to in B‑flat, K. 191mvt. I
1878Weber, Carl Maria vonCon­cer­to in F, Op. 75
1879Jan­court, EugèneQua­trième Solo, Op. 54unspec­i­fied excerpt
1880Jan­court, EugèneDeux­ième Solo, Op.52
1881David, Fer­di­nandCon­certi­nounspec­i­fied excerpt
1882Jan­court, EugèneSix­ième Solo, Op. 66
1883Jan­court, EugènePre­mier Solo, Op. 23
1884Mozart, Wolf­gang AmadeusCon­cer­to in B‑flat, K. 191mvt. I
1885Jan­court, EugèneCinquième Solo, Op. 57
1886Jan­court, EugèneSep­tième Solo, Op. 99
1887Jan­court, EugèneHuitième Solo, Op. 100
1888Weber, Carl Maria vonCon­cer­to in F, Op. 75mvts. II & III
1889Jan­court, EugèneCon­certi­no in A minor, Op. 118
1890Jan­court, EugèneQua­trième Solo, Op. 54
1891Jan­court, EugèneNeu­vième Solo, Op. 123
1892Weber, Carl Maria vonCon­cer­to in F, Op. 75
1893Mozart, Wolf­gang AmadeusCon­cer­to in B‑flat, K. 191
1894Bour­deau, EugènePre­mier Solo
1895Weber, Carl Maria vonCon­cer­to in F, Op. 75mvts. II & III
1896Weber, Carl Maria vonAndante e Ron­do Ongarese, Op. 35
1897Mozart, Wolf­gang AmadeusCon­cer­to in B‑flat, K. 191mvts. II & III
1898Pierné, GabrielSolo de Con­cert, Op. 35
1899Puget, PaulSolo de Bas­son
1900Bour­­gault-Ducoudray, Louis-AlbertFan­taisie
1901René, CharlesSolo de Con­cert
1902Bloch, AndréFan­taisie Var­iée
1903Dal­li­er, HenriSonata in B‑flatAlle­gro
1904Tau­dou, AntoineMorceau de Con­cours
1905Bertelin, AlbertIntro­duc­tion et Ron­do
1906Pierné, GabrielSolo de Con­cert, Op. 35com­mis­sioned for 1898
1907Bour­deau, EugèneDeux­ième Solo
1908Weber, Carl Maria vonCon­cer­to in F, Op. 75mvt. I
1909Büss­er, HenriRéc­it et Thème Var­ié
1910Cools, EugèneCon­cer­stück, Op. 80
1911Jean­jean, PaulPrélude et Scher­zo
1912Mou­quet, JulesBal­lade, Op. 34
1913Dal­li­er, HenriSonata in B‑flatAlle­gro; com­mis­sioned for 1903
1914Pierné, GabrielSolo de Con­cert, Op. 35com­mis­sioned for 1898
1915Tau­dou, AntoineMorceau de Concourscom­mis­sioned for 1904
1916Puget, PaulSolo de Bassoncom­mis­sioned for 1899
1917Büss­er, HenriPièce de Con­cours, Op. 66
1918Weber, Carl Maria vonCon­cer­to in F, Op. 75mvt. I
1919Mou­quet, JulesBal­lade, Op. 34com­mis­sioned for 1912
1920Dal­li­er, HenriSonata in B‑flatmvt. I
1921Bour­deau, EugènePre­mier Solofirst used 1894
1922Pierné, GabrielSolo de Con­cert, Op. 35com­mis­sioned for 1898
1923Mozart, Wolf­gang AmadeusCon­cer­to in B‑flat, K. 191mvt. I
1924Saint-Saëns, CamilleSonate, Op. 168
1925Büss­er, HenriCan­tilène et Ron­do
1926Weber, Carl Maria vonCon­cer­to in F, Op. 75mvts. II & III
1927Büss­er, HenriRéc­it et Thème Variécom­mis­sioned for 1909
1928Ollone, Max d’Romance et Taran­telle
1929Vidal, PaulAda­gio et Saltarelle
1930Grovlez, GabrielSicili­enne et Alle­gro Gio­coso
1931Mazel­li­er, JulesPrélude et Danse
1932Pierné, GabrielSolo de Con­cert, Op. 35com­mis­sioned for 1898
1933Pierné, GabrielPrélude de Con­cert, Op. 53
1934Mozart, Wolf­gang AmadeusCon­cer­to in B‑flat, K. 191mvt. I
1935Boz­za, EugèneRéc­it, Sicili­enne et Ron­do
1936Bloch, AndréFan­taisie Variéecom­mis­sioned for 1902
1937Weber, Carl Maria vonAndante e Ron­do Ongarese, Op. 35
1938Forêt, Féli­cienPièces Brèves
1939Büss­er, HenriPor­tugue­sa, Op. 106
1940Mozart, Wolf­gang AmadeusCon­cer­to in B‑flat, K. 191mvts. II & III
1941Pierné, PaulThème et Vari­a­tions
1942Dutilleux, Hen­riSara­bande et Cortège
1943Pierné, GabrielSolo de Con­cert, Op. 35com­mis­sioned for 1898
1944Presle, Jacques de laPetite Suite en Fa
1945Boz­za, EugèneFan­taisie
1946Duc­los, RenéFagot­ti­no
1947Bloch, AndréDanc­ing Jack
1948Bitsch, Mar­celCon­certi­no
1949Maugüé, Jules M. L.Diver­tisse­ments Cham­pêtres
1950Martel­li, HenriThème Var­ié, Op. 74
1951Sem­ler-Collery, JulesRéc­i­tatif et Final
1952Tans­man, AlexandreSonatine
1953Maixan­deau, Marie-VeraLied et Ron­do
1954Jolivet, AndréCon­cer­to mvt. II
1955Fla­ment, ÉdouardCapric­cio, Op. 142, No. 3
1956Mon­feuil­lard, RenéLamen­to et Final
1957Tomasi, Hen­riCon­cer­to mvt. I
1958Duc­los, RenéTrois Noc­turnes
1959Garten­laub, OdetteSonatine
1960Tans­man, AlexandreSuite
1961Casadesus, RobertDeux Pièces
1962Bernaud, AlainCon­certi­no da Cam­era
1963Chal­lan, HenriFan­taisie
1964Riv­i­er, JeanCon­cer­tomvts. II & III
1965Aubin, TonyCon­certi­no del­la Brughiera
1966Garten­laub, OdettePro­fils
1967Weber, AlainPalin­dromes
1968Vaubour­goin, MarcCon­cer­tomvts. II & III
1969Mar­goni, AlainAprès une Lec­ture de Dreis­er
1970aGotkovsky, IdaVari­a­tions Con­cer­tantes
1970bVival­di, AntonioCon­cer­to in E minor, RV 484
1971aBoizard, GillesFan­taisie
1971bMozart, Wolf­gang AmadeusCon­cer­to in B‑flat, K. 191mvt. I
1972aBoutry, RogerInter­férences I
1972bVival­di, AntonioCon­cer­to in B‑flat, RV 503
1973aKeller, GinetteÉbauch­es
1973bWeber, Carl Maria vonCon­cer­to in F, Op. 75
1974aCastérède, JacquesÉchanges
1974bVival­di, AntonioCon­cer­to in A minor, RV 497
1975aManen, Chris­t­ianLes Enchant­ments de Cir­cé, Réc­it d’Ulysse, Op. 96
1975bVival­di, AntonioCon­cer­to in E minor, RV 484
1976aPetit, PierreThème et Vari­a­tionsbas­soon alone
1976bVival­di, AntonioCon­cer­to in B‑flat, RV 503
1977aChar­p­en­tier, JacquesGrave
1977bVival­di, AntonioCon­cer­to in C minor, RV 480
1978aBernaud, AlainHal­lu­ci­na­tions
1978bWeber, Carl Maria vonAndante e Ron­do Ongarese, Op. 35
1979aFrançaix, JeanCon­cer­tomvt. I
1979bVival­di, AntonioCon­cer­to in F, RV 488
1980aBoutry, RogerTim­bres
1980bMozart, Wolf­gang AmadeusCon­cer­to in B‑flat, K. 191mvts. II & III
1981aBitsch, Mar­celPar­ti­ta
1981bSaint-Saëns, CamilleSonate, Op. 168mvts. I & II
1982aBoutry, RogerPrisme
1982bMozart, Wolf­gang AmadeusCon­cer­to in B‑flat, K. 191mvt. I
1983aLan­cen, SergeSonatine
1983bHum­mel, Johann NepomukCon­cer­to in Fmvt. I
1984aDubois, Pierre MaxSonatine-Tan­­go
1984bBois­morti­er, Joseph Bod­in deCon­cer­to in D, Op. 26, No. 2
1985aStock­hausen, KarlheinzIn Fre­und­schaft
1985bBach, J.C.Con­cer­to in E‑flat MajorBil­lau­dot Edi­tion (with caden­zas and piano reduc­tion by Mau­rice Allard)
1986aPhilip­pot, MichelCom­po­si­tion pour bas­soon et piano
1986bVival­di, AntonioCon­cer­to in C minor, RV 480
1987aBar­tolozzi, BrunoCol­lagebas­soon alone
1987bTiêt, Tôn-ThâtJeu des cinq éléments II
1987cTele­mann, Georg PhilippSonata in F minor, TWV 41:f1
1988aBal­lif, ClaudeSolfegi­et­to, Op. 36, No. 11bas­soon alone
1988bWeber, Carl Maria vonAndante e Ron­do Ongarese, Op. 35
1988cVival­di, AntonioCon­cer­to in B‑flat (no RV num­ber given)could be RV 501–504
1989aStock­hausen, KarlheinzIn Fre­und­schaftbas­soon alone
1989bHum­mel, Johann NepomukCon­cer­to in Fmvts. II & III
1989cWork of the candidate’s choice
1990aCam­pana, José-LuisInvoltura Sono­rabas­soon and cello
1990bDevi­enne, FrançoisSonata in G minor, Op. 24, No. 5
1991aTiêt, Tôn-ThâtJeu des cinq éléments IIcom­mis­sioned for 1987
1991bOzi, Eti­enneSonata No. 3
1992aSolal, Mar­tialSeul con­tre tousbas­soon alone
1992bVival­di, AntonioCon­cer­to in C, RV 477
1993aPer­sichet­ti, VincentPara­blebas­soon alone
1993bCrusell, Bern­hardCon­certi­nowith­out the Polonaise
1994aGag­neux, RenaudOpus 41bas­soon and clarinet
1994bSaint-Saëns, CamilleSonate, Op. 168
1995aTiêt, Tôn-ThâtJeu des cinq éléments IIcom­mis­sioned for 1987
1995bVival­di, AntonioCon­cer­to in B‑flat, RV 502
1996aPichau­reau, ClaudeNymphea-Lotus
1996bOzi, Eti­enneSonata No. 2
1997aHer­sant, PhilippeHopibas­soon alone
1997bHum­mel, Johann NepomukCon­cer­to in Fmvts. II & III
1998aYun, IsangMonolog
1998bMozart, Wolf­gang AmadeusSonata, K. 292bas­soon and cello
1999aOuzounoff, Alexan­dreNAIROBI, la nuitbas­soon and percussion
1999bBerwald, FranzCon­cert Piece, Op. 2
2000aGarten­laub, OdettePro­filscom­mis­sioned for 1966
2000bVival­di, AntonioCon­cer­to in D minor, RV 481
2001aHer­sant, PhilippeNig­gunbas­soon alone
2001bDevi­enne, FrançoisQuar­tet in G minor, op. 73, no. 3bas­soon and strings
2002aTaïra, Yoshi­hisaMon­odrame IIbas­soon alone
2002bDevi­enne, FrançoisSonata in C, Op. 24, No. 6
2003aWin­ter, Peter vonCon­cer­to in C minor
2003bVival­di, AntonioCon­cer­to of the candidate’s choice
2004aTiêt, Tôn-ThâtJeu des cinq éléments IIcom­mis­sioned for 1987
2004bStock­hausen, KarlheinzIn Fre­und­schaftbas­soon alone
2005aTaïra, Yoshi­hisaMon­odrame IIbas­soon alone
2005bDevi­enne, FrançoisCan­di­date’s choice from the Six Sonatas, Op. 24
2006Brendler, EduardDiver­tisse­ment pour bas­son et orchestre
2007Saint-Saëns, CamilleSonate, Op. 168
2008Bach, J.S.Prélude from the 2nd cel­lo Suite,
Prélude from the 3rd cel­lo Suite,
or Alle­mande from the flute Partita
bas­soon alone
2009Devi­enne, FrançoisSonata of the can­di­date’s choice
2010Ver­di, GiuseppeCapric­cio per fagot­to e orchestra

Pieces used for the Prix de Licence for the years 2014–2022

See  the note above about how the process changed after 2011

2014Bach, J.S.Par­ti­ta in A Minor, BWV 1013orig­i­nal­ly for flute
2015Jolivet, MichelCon­cer­tomvt. I
2016Schu­mann, ClaraCan­di­date’s choice of two move­ments of Three Romances, op. 22
2017Françaix, JeanCon­cer­tomvt. I
2018Devi­enne, FrançoisSonata of can­di­date’s choice
2019Vival­di, AntonioCel­lo sonata of can­di­date’s choice
2020No exam (COVID-19)
2021Ses­tak, ZdenekCan­di­date’s choice of two move­ments of Five Vir­tu­oso Inventions
2022Milde, Lud­wigCan­di­date’s choice of one study

Pieces used for the end-of-first-year exam in the master’s program for the years 2012–2018

See  the note above about how the process changed after 2011

2012Schu­mann, RobertAda­gio et Alle­gro,Op. 70orig­i­nal­ly for horn and piano
2013aBitsch, Mar­celCon­certi­noCan­di­date’s choice of Bitsch or Boutry (Muri Com­pe­ti­tion selections)
2013bBoutry, RogerInter­fer­ence ICan­di­date’s choice of Bitsch or Boutry (Muri Com­pe­ti­tion selections)
2014Tele­mann, Georg PhilippChoice of one of the 12 Fan­tasias for Solo Flute
2015Dard, AntoineBas­soon sonata of the can­di­date’s choiceAcco­lade edition
2016Bach, J.S.Can­di­date’s choice of one of the Préludes from the Suites for Solo Cellobas­soon alone
2017Devi­enne, FrançoisCan­di­date’s choice of one sonata from The 6 Sonatas, Op. 24
2018O’Ri­or­dan, KirkTemp­ta­tionbas­soon alone
  • 1
    Leon Letel­li­er and Édouard Fla­ment, “Le Bas­son,” in Ency­clopédie de la musique et dic­tio­n­naire du Con­ser­va­toire, ed. Albert Lav­i­gnac, Part 2, Vol. 3 (Paris: Librairie Del­grave, 1925): 1593.
  • 2
    Marie Boichard, e‑mail mes­sage to author, Decem­ber 29, 2022.
  • 3
    “Diplômes,” Con­ser­va­toire nation­al supérieur de musique et de dance de Paris,
  • 4
    Sophie Levy, e‑mail mes­sage to author, March 22, 2019.
  • 5
    Kris­tine Klopfen­stein Fletch­er, The Paris Con­ser­va­toire and the Con­test Solos for Bas­soon (Bloom­ing­ton, IN: Indi­ana Uni­ver­si­ty Press, 1988).
  • 6
    Jef­frey Lyman, “The Morceaux de Con­cours for Bas­soon Since 1984: A Parisian Tra­di­tion Con­tin­ues,” The Dou­ble Reed 28, no. 2 (2005): 101–105.
  • 7
    Frédéric Bouteille, e‑mail mes­sage to Ryan Romine, May 5, 2012.
  • 8
    Sophie Levy, e‑mail mes­sage to author, March 22, 2019.
  • 9
    Marie Boichard, e‑mail mes­sage to author, Jan­u­ary 4, 2023