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Ger­man com­pos­er Paul Hin­demith wrote more than forty sonatas. In addi­tion to at least one sonata for each stan­dard orches­tral wood­wind, brass, and string instru­ment, he wrote for a num­ber of less-com­­mon solo instru­ments, includ­ing the Eng­lish horn, the viola […]
Columbia A2161
Auguste Mes­nard was born Novem­ber 17, 1875 in Cognac, France. He began his musi­cal career as a vio­lin­ist, study­ing at the Ecole Nationale de Musique d’An­goulème, and earn­ing a first prize from there in 1891. After an unsuc­cess­ful audi­tion to enter […]
In Fall 2014, I was lucky enough to be invit­ed to play Mozart’s Bas­soon Con­cer­to, K. 191 with Sac State’s Uni­ver­si­ty Orches­tra under the direc­tion of Leo Eylar. The Mozart con­cer­to is the piece that fol­lows bas­soon­ists around for their […]


Down­load and print these free easy-to-read fin­ger­ing charts. Used by teach­ers around the world!

Blank charts for mod­ern and var­i­ous his­tor­i­cal bassoons—use them to make your own charts or to notate new or rarely used fingerings

A sortable list of the works used for the Paris Conservatoire’s annu­al bas­soon con­cours  (con­test)

A sortable con­cor­dance  of Anto­nio Vivaldi’s 39 bas­soon con­cer­tos, to help sort through the five dif­fer­ent cat­a­logu­ing sys­tems for his works.

Upcoming concerts:

07/27/24, 11:00am Carmel Bach Festival
Sun­set Cen­ter, Carmel, CA
07/27/24, 1:00pm Carmel Bach Festival
Carmel Pres­by­ter­ian Church, Carmel, CA
07/27/24, 7:30pm Carmel Bach Festival
Sun­set Cen­ter, Carmel, CA